Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Looking for a mission opportunity in 2025 that will change your life? How about something that will not only change your life, but the lives of a lot of other people?   We are so excited to announce that we have several mission opportunities in 2025.  

There will be more information about our Alaska partnership coming in March of 2025.  There will be two opportunities to participate in building and ministry.  

Our first team for Guatemala will leave on June 19th for family ministry and home building opportunities.   Lots of wonderful people in a beautiful country are waiting for you to show them the love of Christ.  To get connected to the June Ministry Team opportunity, click on the Register Now for June 2025 in the Join The Mission Box below.  
To join in the interest meeting on Monday February 3rd at 6:30pm, please follow the link and fill out the form.
Questions? Email bj@tlifeonline.com.

Guatemala Mission partners


G.R.A.C.E Ministries 

Missions and SErvice

Mission and service go hand in hand, but they are not the same.  Service at its most simple definition is meeting a need or desire.  Mission at it's core is to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  While service is the act of providing a solution to a need, Missions involve teaching, baptizing and discipleship.
We do service to meet a physical need in order to have a mission opportunity to present the message of the Gospel.  Throughout Jesus earthly ministry He showed us that although physical needs are important, the spiritual well being is the most important thing we can do.  If we truly love people, we shouldn't stop at meeting a physical need, but we should fulfill the Great Commission to Go into all the World, Preaching, Teaching and Baptizing.  
We serve and meet a physical need in order to have a spiritual opportunity. 

Goal: To share the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Activities: Teaching, baptizing and discipleship.

Goal: To meet a need or fulfill a desire
Activities: Building, Volunteering, Working at Church functions or meeting some of our community needs.